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鋼鐵之師:諾曼第44 組合包 Steel Division: Normandy 44 Locked & Loaded 支援簡中

原價 折扣 節省
$1929.00 4.5 $1060
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1 好評
鋼鐵之師:諾曼第44 組合包 Steel Division: Normandy 44 Locked & Loaded 支援簡中


遊戲名稱:鋼鐵之師:諾曼第44 組合包 Steel Division: Normandy 44 Locked & Loaded



Steel Division: Normandy 44

Steel Division: Normandy 44 - Second Wave

Steel Division: Normandy 44 - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack

Steel Division: Normandy 44 - Back to Hell

Steel Division: Normandy 44 Locked & Loaded is a new battle-ready bundle that will blow your mind, not your budget. Available exclusively on Steam, Locked & Loaded includes the base game, all Deluxe Edition content and the first two DLC packs, with a discount on everything. Lock in your purchase and load your profile. All systems go!

【 遊戲介紹 】




本作的開發組Eugen System是一家以製作硬派即時戰略遊戲著稱的公司,由其製作的《兵者詭道》(R.U.S.E)以偵察和反偵察作為遊戲核心,通過虛假情報、無線電靜默等欺敵戰術;其後推出的《戰爭遊戲》系列同樣力圖還原真實戰爭,通過戰線的維持而不是對單個單位的操控來取得勝利。而《鋼鐵之師:諾曼第44》同樣以高擬真度作為遊戲招牌,注重戰略的遊戲模式與《星際爭霸》為首的講求精準操作的即時戰略遊戲大有不同。

遊戲的另一特色是使用了最新的Eugen IRISZOOM引擎,在鳥瞰視角下指揮戰鬥與在近景視角下觀看精彩戰鬥場面可以實現無縫切換。

Steel Division: Normandy 44 is a Tactical Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game, developed by Eugen Systems, the creators of titles like Wargame and R.U.S.E. This new game puts players in command of detailed, historically accurate tanks, troops, and vehicles at the height of World War II. Players can measure their tactical skills against several opponents in big multiplayer battles or against enemies in a challenging single-player campaign. Steel Division: Normandy 44 allows players to take control over legendary military divisions from six different countries, such as the American 101st Airborne, the German armored 21st Panzer or the 3rd Canadian Division, during the invasion of Normandy in 1944. 

Main Features:

Command Over 400 Historically Accurate Units:

Whether fighting for control in intense multiplayer battles with up to 10-vs-10 players going head-to-head, playing alone or working with friends in ranked matches, players will need to coordinate their selection of historically accurate infantry, tanks, aircraft, and support vehicles to counter enemy units in this Tactical RTS game.

Real-world Tactics:

Battles rage over three distinct phases, where different units unlock over time, mimicking the movements of real-world armies and adding variety to the ever-changing theatre of war. A dynamic front line illustrates the ebb and flow of the conflict. Pin down your opponent's infantry to gain the advantage and force a retreat, or push through with a perfectly executed plan.

Real-world Setting:

Using the latest version of Eugen’s IRISZOOM engine, players can smoothly zoom from a tactical aerial view all the way down to a single unit, and see 400 different real-world vehicles and units designed with careful historical detail and accuracy. Maps are designed based on actual aerial reconnaissance photos of Normandy in 1944, requiring real-world tactics and strategies to cover and control.

Outplan, Outsmart, Outgun:

From battlegroup customization to troop positioning and maneuvering, winning battles requires cunning and strategy, not just raw firepower. Each unit lost presents a growing tactical disadvantage, and players will need to fight to gain -- and keep -- the upper hand.

From commanding historically accurate infantry, tanks, and vehicles, to troop positioning and real-time engagement with the enemy, players will need to be clever and resourceful in order to win. Every unit counts as the battle presses on, and raw firepower alone will not be enough to claim victory. Whether viewing the entire battle from an aerial perspective, or following a single tank into a firefight, players will need to cleverly manage the dynamic front line in order to execute ambushes and advances.



【 系統需求 】

基本配備 :

作業系統: 64-bit Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7

處理器: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1 GHz) or equivalent

記憶體: 3 GB 記憶體

圖像: 1 GB AMD 5570 or nVidia 450

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 32 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card


作業系統: 64-bit Windows 10 / 8.1 / 7

處理器: Intel i5-2300 or equivalent

記憶體: 4 GB 記憶體

圖像: 2GB AMD 7970 or nVidia 770 or greater

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 32 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

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