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黑街特務 全特務組合包 Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle

原價 折扣 節省
$1369.00 4.6 $740
剩餘時間 請稍等, 正在載入中...
13 好評
黑街特務 全特務組合包 Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle


遊戲名稱: 黑街特務 全特務組合包 Agents of Mayhem - Total Mayhem Bundle


【 遊戲介紹 】

出自 Saints Row《黑街聖徒》系列製作團隊 Volition 之手的最新作品 Agents of Mayhem《黑街特務》,故事背景設定在四代 DLC 篇章《黑街聖徒:逃出地獄》後的世界,以近未來的首爾為舞台,由一群特工所組成的秘密組織 M.A.Y.H.E.M.,前往南韓首爾阻止企圖為世界帶來毀滅的邪惡集團リージョン(L.E.G.I.O.N.)。

MAYHEM 特務陣容包括美國海軍出身的「硬塔克」(ハードタック),哥倫比亞海盜「幸運」(フォーチュン),動作明星「好萊塢」(ハリウッド),以及日本忍者鬼(オニ)等共 12 名登場人物,玩家將視任務不同從中選擇 3 人來執行,在遊戲過程中也可以隨時變換為其他角色,運用獨特的技巧合力去擊敗敵人。《黑街特務 Agents of Mayhem》是一款單人開放世界動作遊戲,主角將使用特有的槍械、道具、技能來玩轉遊戲世界。

Agents of MAYHEM is the latest open-world, third-person action game from the creators of the Saints Row franchise!

In Agents of MAYHEM, you run a no-holds barred operation against a shadowy super-villain organization known only as LEGION and their mysterious leader, the Morningstar.

Following the global attacks on Devil’s Night, cities of the world are held by the LEGION’s Ministries, bands of powerful villains named for the Seven Deadly Sins.

Seoul is the personal domain of LEGION’s mad scientists, the Ministry of Pride – Doctor Babylon and his rogue’s gallery of supporting villains.

You play as a variety of Super Agents – each with their own distinct look, personality, weapons, and skills. Explore the city of Seoul to rout out LEGION operatives and their vile plans to take over the world.

MAYHEM’s Agents have a license to do what the hell they want, so long as they do whatever it takes to grow the agency and ultimately defeat LEGION.

【 系統需求 】


作業系統: Windows 7/8/10 64bit

處理器: Intel Core i3-3240 or above / or AMD equivalent

記憶體: 8192 MB 記憶體

顯示卡: GeForce GTX 750 Ti or above / or AMD equivalent

儲存空間: 38 GB 可用空間


作業系統: Windows 7/8/10 64bit

處理器: Intel Core i5-4670K or above / or AMD equivalent

記憶體: 12288 MB 記憶體

顯示卡: GeForce GTX 1060 or above / or AMD equivalent

儲存空間: 38 GB 可用空間

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