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STEAM EA Blizzard UPLAY Minecraft


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售價$479元 降價通知

  • 商品分級成年

  • 累計好評0

  • 贈送積分479

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  • 遊戲分級:成年
  • 限區:台灣 [ TW ]
  • 配送:數位授權 [ 電子郵件 ]






【 遊戲介紹 】


Welcome to America. 

Survive the wilderness, establish yourself, meet someone special, raise a family, and dominate. Gain power as President, deliver justice as Sheriff, fight for your tribe as Chief, or show some southern hospitality as Governor.

It's the turn of the century on the American homestead. Heat will give you the pioneer experience of struggle and triumph first-hand.

Go Forth and Multiply

Start a family with other players or NPCs. During the process of love making, the male will have a chance of making the female pregnant. Once pregnant, the female will birth a newborn. The newborn grows to become a baby, the baby then grows up to be a child, the child eventually becomes an adult.

A second option is to adopt from an orphanage by purchasing a baby basket in the shipping catalog. The baby will be inside the basket delivered to you. Adoption is very expensive, but provides a guaranteed outcome, whereas the first option may not reliably result in pregnancy due to the possibility for weak seed. 

Your children are a mix of the visual DNA of the two parents. Babies, children, and adults will need to feed and stay hydrated (players lactate to breastfeed their newborns). If you fail to care for your children, the government will take them from you for mistreatment.

Beware of other players, as they can adopt your newborns, babies, and children as their own if you are not nearby (as they would be considered abandoned). So, keep them secret, keep them safe. 

Once your kids become adults you can equip them with outfits, gear, and weapons. They can help protect you when you are online. However, other players may decide to capture and restrain your adult kin, so best keep them packing heat.

Seats of Power

As President, you own the Whitehouse, a section of land south of the monument, one intern, a golden gun, and two secret service NPCs. You also get to set and collect a president’s tax. The Sheriff gets a deputy, and also some firepower to deliver justice. As Chief, you have a section of land, a grand tepee, and 3 warriors. The Governor gets the Cottonwood Plantation, plenty of farm seed, and 3 peons.

Stockpiles and Shipping Bin

We introduce a new concept in stockpiles. Heavy goods require physical space for storage, so while you can still store light goods in your small containers, wood, stone, ore, and other heavy materials must be stored in large stockpiles. This gives players a visual representation of their goods, and since stockpiles take up space, thought must also go into defending them. Each player also gets a stash container which accepts a mix of light and heavy goods to help get them started, but these come with limited slots. 

Players may also build shipping bins. These can be placed in your base and you may sell harvested, crafted, and farmed goods in them for in-game currency. Shipping bins also come with a catalog with which you may order items using your hard earned in-game currency.


There are 20 unique biomes in Heat spread out over a 67km2 world, each with its own sub-biomes to explore. We developed a unique way to create dense forest floors which requires players to clear the land in order to build. Explore vast and diverse landscapes ranging from the cold mountainous peaks to the tropical seashores, and from the harsh deserts to the muggy swamplands. Built from the roots up using real-world photogrammetric data, experience next generation graphics in both variety and detail.

Road Building

Build roads in the game or create pads around your base using the rake tool. Players may build roads using a variety of materials ranging from wood chips, dirt, sand, gravel, pavement and more. Players may also place freshly cut lawn for a well-kept look.

Farming and Cooking

Get farm-ready with the hoe, watering can, sprinklers, and scythe. Each tool has its own upgrades, and there are a variety of crops that may be planted. Fertilizers are also an important consideration for the aspiring farmer.

Once your crops have matured, harvest them and bring them to the cooking stations in order to produce a wide range of food types. You may also decide to sell your crops in your shipping bin and buy more seed for your farming operation.

Building & Crafting

Construct your new home - From a quick hobo shack, a rustic cabin deep in the woods, a refined mansion, or a giant fortress. Craft and place walls, floors, doors, windows, furniture, and other fixtures individually by your own design. Process goods with sawmills, tanneries, smelters and other workstations. These materials will aid in crafting at various workstations and purchasing blueprints. Protect your establishment with well-placed cannons and strategically planned fortifications using massive rampart building sections.


Gather and hunt for food to keep yourself strong. Collect a variety of raw materials from nature for use in crafting, building and refinement. Once you have the basics of sticks and stones down, you may begin your journey towards establishing yourself as an industrious and powerful colony or even President of the United States.

There will be struggles and fallbacks along the way. Your character may be killed and robbed, where everything he or she has equipped is taken. Your property may be broken into and looted by a gang of raiders lead by other players. But with plenty of resources and defensive tactics at your disposal, raiders will be in for a serious fight.

Combat & Capture

On your adventures you'll encounter other players who may or may not be friendly. Likewise, you may not be so friendly either given these tactics at your disposal:

- Fill 'em full of lead with plenty of handguns, rifles, shotguns and other firearms to craft.

- Take the more silent approach with bows and javelins that will leave your foes looking like a pin cushion.

- Get up in their face with melee instruments, or beat them down with some good old blunt force.

- Capture, restrain, and put them into your interrogation dungeon with its various contraptions.

- Messily dismember with a well-placed strike or shotgun blast.

- Blow them to smithereens with artillery cannon fire and TNT.

- Experience the thrill of vigilante justice from either a first or third person perspective.

Character Customization

Choose your gender and tune your appearance to your liking, including variations in skin tone, height and girth, the shape of facial features, hair or lack thereof, and voice tone.

Mounts, Livestock & Wildlife

The landscape is populated by a variety of American wildlife, all of which can be hunted - assuming you are not hunted yourself. But they can also be tamed, whether as livestock or as a beloved pet. You may ride tamed horses, as well as other animals - even bears!


【 系統需求 】




需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統

作業系統: Windows 7 64bit

處理器: Intel Core i7-4770 @ 3.4 GHz or AMD Ryzen 3 1200 @ 3.1 GHz

記憶體: 12 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: Nvidia GPU GeForce 970 GTX (4GB VRAM), AMD RX560 (4GB VRAM)

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 70 GB 可用空間

備註: The game contains EAC anti-cheat technology.


需要 64 位元的處理器及作業系統

作業系統: Windows 10 64bit

處理器: i7-4790K @ 4.0GHZ, AMD Ryzen 5 1500X @3.5GHZ

記憶體: 16 GB 記憶體

顯示卡: Nvidia GPU GeForce 1080 TI GTX (11GB VRAM), AMD Vega 64 (8GB VRAM)

DirectX: 版本:11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連線

儲存空間: 70 GB 可用空間

備註: The game contains EAC anti-cheat technology.

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此種情況,通常出現在連線異常 或 遊戲公司本身伺服器不穩定,最常見則是玩家在要求本站客服登入遊戲帳號儲值時,未等待客服通知儲值完畢,就直接登入帳戶,造成儲值異常,如發生此種情況,本站客服會提供儲值收據,需由玩家自行向遊戲原廠查詢後續處理事宜,一般回報後,會由遊戲公司確認支付無誤,即會補回寶石 或 將款項退回,要求重新購買即可。


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